Your diabetes diet is simply a healthy-eating plan that will help you keep your blood glucose in normal range. A diabetes diet simply means eating the healthiest foods which don’t spike your blood glucose. Diabetes is caused by our bodies’ insulin response to chronic overconsumption of sugar and that the best and most natural way to reverse the disease is to reduce consumption of those foods which causes insulin spike.

Reverse Type II Diabetes Program


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Reverse Type II Diabetes and live a Medicine Free Life again.



Why medicines are not the answer?

Diabetic medications are expensive, invasive and only hide the blood glucose by cramming it into the already engorged cells and do nothing to reverse diabetes—because you can’t use drugs [or devices] to cure a dietary disease. The medicines make diabetes look better but actually it is worse. There is also the stark reality that most medical associations today are significantly funded by pharmaceutical and device companies, which have no interest in a dietary solution to disease. Indeed, a nutritional fix that reverses disease and ends the need for medication puts them squarely out of business.

Only diet and lifestyle changes—not medications—will reverse this disease, simply because type 2 diabetes is largely a dietary disease. No amount of medication prevents the heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, kidney failure, amputations, and blindness that result when diabetes is getting worse.

Why do you need to develop a healthy-eating plan?

TYPE 2 DIABETES AFFECTS EVERY ORGAN IN THE BODY. What happens when excessive glucose piles up in the body over 10-20 years? Every cell in the body starts to rot, which is precisely why type 2 diabetes, unlike virtually any other disease, affects every single organ. Your eyes rot, and you go blind. Your kidneys rot, and you need dialysis. Your heart rots, and you get heart attacks and heart failure. Your brain rots, and you get Alzheimer’s disease. Your liver rots, and you get fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. Your legs rot, and you get diabetic foot ulcers. Your nerves rot, and you get diabetic neuropathy. No part of your body is spared.

Save yourself from these emotionally and financially devastating events just by correcting your diet.

How to reverse Type II Diabetes?

Type II Diabetes is reversible when we remove the foods from the diet which causes insulin spike. The best part? It’s all natural and completely free. No drugs. No surgery. No cost. Just Correct Nutrition!

What does a diabetes diet involve?

It involves healthy foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, paneer, few vegetables, avocados and other foods which doesn’t spike insulin. 50+ recipes in video format will be shared with you to make your life in kitchen easy.


What does this program include?

Custom Nutrition Plan (Veg and Non-Veg) to Get Shredded

Training Program to increase Muscle and Strength

Supplements Plan for your needs

Video Demonstration of all the Recipes to make your life easy in the Kitchen

Exercise Video Demonstration with correct Cues (Key exercises, rep ranges, number of sets, rest period)

1-on-1 Email Communication & Progress Monitoring on Facebook Community Group

Bonus#1: Mobility / Flexibility Guide (Video Demonstration)

Bonus#2: Access to my Facebook Community Group for Q&A and get my feedback on form & technique of your Exercises & Lifts (You'll also share your progress every month and meet like minded people here)

Bonus#3: Grocery Shopping List

100% Money-Back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with the results. Drop me a mail saying "it's not working out for me" and your "issue" and my team will refund the whole amount


The Process

As soon as you check out, you're signed up. A questionnaire would be sent on your email address, fill it up, and submit. Once I have all your personal information and starting pictures, please allow me 1-3 days to create your custom-tailored plan. A lot of people rush but remember, perfection takes time. Once I update you with your plan, put in the work, and stay in touch with me via Email/WhatsApp/Facebook group. I'll monitor your progress and make adjustments where needed.


What you can expect after 12 weeks transformation


Normal Blood Glucose

You'll again feel the body functioning normally.

Reduced medication or no medication at all

No more stupid expenses on medication. BYE BYE MEDS!

Renewed energy

You’ll no longer need cat naps, extra snoozes, & frequent “breaks.”

Burn body fat and gain eye catching muscles

Love handles and belly fat will make way for toned muscles.

Mental clarity

Brain fog and lack of focus can be caused by poor nutrition. We’ll fix that.

Optimal performance

Perform your best at the gym, at home, in the league, and at the office. From playing with the kids to taking the stairs, you will perform better everywhere.

A leaner look

Pounds aren’t the only thing you’ll lose. Try inches off of your body.

Sense of pride & accomplishment

It’s time to prove the doubters wrong!

All kinds of compliments

Your changes won’t go unnoticed. Prepare for comments.

Lifelong, healthy habits

Lean life-changing habits that will stick with you for the long-haul.


Join our family and start your journey.